Thursday, November 12, 2009

Parts of Speech Review

nouns- Goldie, Kinslie, Katie, Shelby, Tiffany, Krista, I, Colorado Mountains, forest, animal.

adjectives-speedily, very, excited, scared

adverbs- today, fast, more

conjunctions- and, or

verbs- ran, breath, gaze

prepositions- to, into

interjection- Ugh!

pronouns- it, she

Today Goldie, Kinslie, Katie, Shelby, Tiffany, Krista and I are going on the biggest hike of our lives to the Colorado Mountains. Were so nervous, and we don't know what to think about it. So we start on our way into the forest as fast and cautious as we possibly can, were so excited! But all of the sudden Goldie saw a huge animal, she started screaming and started running off, very speedily the mountain and all we hear her yell is "Ugh!" We started running after her too see what she saw. When we got to her she couldn't catch her breath so we could talk to her, and then all the sudden she was in a gaze. We were all terrified of what she was even more terrified. We figured out it was just a little chipmunk, she is really scared of little creatures. So we went on our way up the mountain and had a great rest of the day.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Bucket List

1. Become a RN.
2. Go to New York.
3. Go skiing in Colorado for my honeymoon.
4. Heal myself.
5. Learn how to play the piano.
6. Take a tour of Rome.
7. Get tickets to America's Next Dance Crew.
8. Go to Forks Washington.
9. Buy a mansion cabin in Colorado.
10. Take up photography.
11. Learn how to make good icing.
12. Write a book.
13. Make a quilt.
14. Find my passion.
15. Get out of bad habits.
16. Go to church every Sunday.
17. Meet Stephenie Meyer.
18. Have my own little library.
19. Get All-State in volleyball, and basketball.
20. Make a difference in peoples lives.
21. Donate money too Children's Miracle Network.
22. Always keep my house clean.
23. Sleep in a castle.
24. Ride in a boat.
25. Name my first daughter after my sister.
26. Have my own personal volleyball and basketball court.
27. Live in a old white house out in the country, with a huge porch and a swing in the front.
28. Watch the ball drop in New York City, on New Years.
29. Go to a Paramore concert.
30. Design a clothing line.
31. Read a book in one day.
32. Plant a garden full of lilies.
33. Don't be so hard on myself.
34. Donate blood every chance I can.
35. Think positive about everything.
36. Pray all the time.
37. Have children, and have a happy family.
38. Buy my own horse.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Shakespeare Language

Thy ban-dogs art tho carrying baby? When thy knows its for a barn. Ean thy baby and go forth threw the day. thy face must go forth and fadge because thy has fast from fap. Don't mammer because manner, to be taken with the if not.

Friday, September 11, 2009


On September 11th I don't remember who's class I was in or where I was when the tarriest attacked the U.S., but what I do remember is hearing all about the twin towers getting crashed into,a field in Pennsylvania, and The Pentagon in Washington D.C. It was all over the news and everyone was talking about it. It was such a disaster that I know twenty years from now everyone is going to remember the day tarriest tried to hurt our country, and people ask why they chose our country? Well I believe that they did it because they are jealous, because we have freedom for everything and they want everyone else to be as miserable as they are. I don't know anyone who it was directly effected but I wish I did so I could comfort them on this day, and if I could write a story about one of those people that went threw getting crashed into. I defiantly would.

-Chelsea Burt

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Vocab. word

When Jeff came home from the state track meet, he was gloating about his 3 state metals he won that weekend.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


My friends have a pretty good impact in my life, they help me threw a lot and i love them to death, but I think that the most important thing in my life would have to be God, because without him I would not been able to get threw all the things that I have been threw in my life.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Lovely Bones

I think that reading The Lovely Bones would be very interesting. I like to read mysterious and scary books. They keep me wanting to just keep reading and wanting more out of the book, and i can't ever put them down when they are like that. So in other-words I think it would be very enjoyable to read The Lovely Bones.

-Chelsea Burt

Thursday, August 27, 2009

blogging use

We could use blogging in class for writing a story and instead of printing it out on paper, we could just post it on blogger and you can go and check it.