On September 11th I don't remember who's class I was in or where I was when the tarriest attacked the U.S., but what I do remember is hearing all about the twin towers getting crashed into,a field in Pennsylvania, and The Pentagon in Washington D.C. It was all over the news and everyone was talking about it. It was such a disaster that I know twenty years from now everyone is going to remember the day tarriest tried to hurt our country, and people ask why they chose our country? Well I believe that they did it because they are jealous, because we have freedom for everything and they want everyone else to be as miserable as they are. I don't know anyone who it was directly effected but I wish I did so I could comfort them on this day, and if I could write a story about one of those people that went threw getting crashed into. I defiantly would.
-Chelsea Burt
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